#LAST UPDATED 01/18/2016 #SKIPIFWEIGHT 25 MINWEIGHTTOFAIL 5 #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # EXCEPTIONS # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# TESTSFAILED END PCRE (FILTER-TRACK|GOOD-REVDNS|BONDEDSENDER|IADB|HOSTKARMA-RHSBL-WHITE|SIZE-(1MB|500K)|MAILSPIKE-H[34]|WLORG) MAILFROM END PCRE (listenernetwork\.com) #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # SUBJECT # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# SUBJECT 10 PCRE (?i:(\bca\$h\b|(cash|money) for)) SUBJECT 5 PCRE (?i:.*(work|income|money|million|career|success|secrets|home|easy)+.*ebay) #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # GENERIC # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# BODY 3 PCRE (?i:downline) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:affiliate) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:raking) BODY 1 PCRE (?i:quickly) BODY 1 PCRE (?i:easily) BODY 1 PCRE (?i:powerful) BODY 1 PCRE (?i:success) BODY 1 PCRE (?i:imagine) BODY 1 PCRE (?i:Guaranteed) BODY 1 PCRE (?i:Money) BODY 3 PCRE (?i:no.(boss|commute|lie)) BODY 5 PCRE (?im:ma[dk](e|ing).{0,20}[0-9]{2,4}.+(hour|day|week|month)) ANYWHERE 3 PCRE (?i:\$.+(per|a|in).{0,15}(week|month|day)) ANYWHERE 4 PCRE (?i:home.(based.)?(business|biz)) ANYWHERE 4 PCRE (?i:(ebay|google).(course|marketing|millionaire|secrets)) ANYWHERE 6 PCRE (?i:(earn(ed|ing)?|mak(e|ing)|get|generate|immediate).{0,10}(\$\d{1,3}[,.]?\d{1,4}|\$\d{1,4}home|income|cash|money|extra|fortune).{0,20}(\d.)?(day|week|month|year)?) BODY 3 PCRE (?i:No (Experience Necessary|prospecting)) BODY 3 PCRE (?i:(duplicate my|Freedom) system) BODY 3 PCRE (?i:never work again) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:change your life) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:Multi.?Level.?Marketing) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:Network.Marketing) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:income.(generating|stream|opportunity)) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:(now|opportunity)!) BODY 3 PCRE (?i:Seeing is Believing) ANYWHERE 6 PCRE (?i:Debt into (Wealth|riches)) ANYWHERE 6 PCRE (?i:(work(ing|)|money|cash).(from|at).home) ANYWHERE 3 PCRE (?i:wealth creation) ANYWHERE 5 PCRE (?i:Ton of (money|cash|moola|dough)) ANYWHERE 4 PCRE (?i:(money|cash).{0,10}((make|generato?)(r|ing)|machine|system)) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:recieve\s\$) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:financial success) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:pay yourself) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Payout) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:salary increase) BODY 2 PCRE (?i:Take Control of Your Life) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Be your own Boss) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Fire your boss) ANYWHERE 3 PCRE (?i:Free.?(ebay|(Government|cash).Grant)) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Great Opportunity To Earn) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:TRUE STORY) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Experienced Team Builder) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Fortune on Ebay) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:high paying jobs) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:huge profits) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Paid Survey Database) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:(REALISTIC|CAREER) OPPORTUNITY) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Secrets exposed) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Ultimate Marketing Method) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Worldwide Online Systems) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:business (opportunity|owner)) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Set your own hours) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:No more commute) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:No Business Experience Necessary) ANYWHERE 1 PCRE (?i:Spend more time with your family) #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # URL # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# BODY 20 PCRE (?i:igrowthcentral.com|WorkHomeNow|homebiz) BODY 5 PCRE (?i:(https?|www).{0,20}.(profit|wealth|money|cash).{0,20}\.(([a-z]{0,2}\.)?[a-z]{2,4})) #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # MASK # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# ANYWHERE 20 PCRE (?i:(inc0me|\$money\$))